Architectural technology, or building technology, is the application of technology to the design of buildings.The CAD4ALL Architectural & Interior Design faculty of learning based in Tygervalley Cape Town & Claremont, is found on the form follows function tradition and is today the leading Architecture Design Institution in Southern Africa, with numerous accolades upon request. Our Architecture qualifications pathway starts at NQF 4. A field placement opportunity in your final Diploma year allows you to gain hand on work experience within industry. Further your education with our range of industry in demand qualifications & courses full time, part time or blended online from anywhere in Southern Africa.

CAD4ALL Institute of Applied Architecture is an institute of high education, focused on the BUILT environment by providing qualification in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) ranging from the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) 

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Campus tours are hosted every alternate saturday in Tygervalley & Claremont

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Campus tours are hosted every alternate saturday in Tygervalley & Claremont

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